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Forex Flash: China’s economy less about exports and more about domestic services - Rabobank (Barcelona) - “The Flash estimate of China’s HSBC-sponsored manufacturing index fell in April to 50.5. The index averaged 50.1 through 4Q 2012 and then improved to average 51.3 in 1Q this year,” Rabobank International Financial Markets Research team noted.

“Interestingly,” the analysts expand, “the better tone to this indicator in 1Q wasn’t reflected in the broader economy (recall that GDP growth slowed in 1Q compared to 4Q 2012). Now 2Q has started on a weaker tone in the manufacturing sector.”

“This reinforces the point that China’s overall economy is becoming less about exports and more about the domestic services sector,” they suggest, adding: “In particular, it reminds that the government is still an important force in the broader economy. The budget deficit shrank quite markedly through 1Q as the government took its foot off the accelerator and this has been the dominant force on the broader economy, more so than the manufacturing sector,” the team concludes.

Forex: AUD/JPY still range bound after Aussie CPI data disappoints

The AUD/JPY is currently trading down 48 pips at 101.73. Earlier in the session, the pair had traded as high as 102.37 before the Aussie CPI (yoy) was released at 2.5% actual vs. 2.8% forecast. Over the last 5 sessions, the pair has been consolidating in a wide range between 99.50 and 103.00.
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Forex: GBP/USD still forming possible “bear flag” on daily chart

The GBP/USD remains in a narrow range during Asia trade, currently flat on the session at 1.5236. Economic data out of the UK is light in the coming session, with Mortgage Approvals due out at 8:30 GMT. The US session will also be fairly quiet with Durable Goods do out at 12:30GMT.
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