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Trump say: We will have a really big trade deal with India, maybe after November US election

With the US/Sino trade deal in effect, the US President Donald Trump now says" we will have a really big trade deal with India, maybe after November US election."

In other comments, he stated that there is a chance we can make an Afghanistan deal. Indeed, the US president is leading up to the US elections in November last this year. This should be positive for Wall Street and risk appetite as President Donald Trump hopes to secure a second term and Mnuchin recently said that Trump has already directed his economic team to begin on what the administration is calling "Tax 2.0."

"They'll be tax cuts for the middle class, and we'll also be looking at other incentives to stimulate economic growth," Mnuchin said. The administration is announcing that it will come before the election and is aiming to introduce another middle-class tax cut and that the package could include a measure that would give larger tax breaks to certain retirement savings.


Canadian manufacturing sales ended 2019 on soft note – RBC

Commenting on the 0.7% decline seen in Manufacturing Sales data from Canada, "notwithstanding transitory factors adding to volatility in the headline
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WTI bulls stepping in as volume picks up, leading to a bullish daily pin-bar

The price of a barrel of oil is trading down over 1% on Tuesday with risk aversion kicking in again. At the time of writing, West Texas Intermediate c
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