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Eurozone: Industrial production increased by 0.2% in November – ING

Bert Colijn, senior economist at ING, notes that Eurozone’s industrial production increased by 0.2% in November, which came after a large decline in October.

Key Quotes

“While German and Spanish production rebounded nicely with 0.9 and 1.1% growth respectively, it was mainly due to sharp declines in smaller countries that the eurozone average growth pace disappointed somewhat. Better energy and capital goods production masked declines in consumer goods and intermediates production, indicating that the small uptick was not at all broad-based.”

“Eurozone trade data showed a decline in seasonally adjusted exports for November, which was met by a smaller decline in imports, therefore reducing the trade balance to 19.2 billion euros. The decline in exports was in part due to a wind-down of exports to the UK due to stock building ahead of the initial October 31 Brexit deadline. Overall, the exports environment remained subdued in November.”

“The news around eurozone production and trade has become slightly more upbeat recently.”

“Still, today’s data, although positive, does confirm that it is too early to call an end to the eurozone industrial recession. The December manufacturing PMI still indicated that new orders and current production were falling markedly, which shows that the November industrial data should not be considered to be the start of a recovery. While confidence in the future among industrial businesses has started to improve on the positive news on trade, current conditions are still too weak to call a break from trend.”


GBP/USD tumbles to fresh lows near 1.2980 post-CPI

The sterling is losing its shine further on Wednesday and is now motivating GBP/USD to recede to the vicinity of 1.2980, or daily lows. GBP/USD weaker
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US: PPI to advance 0.3% in December – TDS

Analysts at TD Securities are expecting the US headline PPI to advance 0.3% MoM (1.5% YoY) in December, on the back of a 0.3% MoM increase in core inf
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