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Forex Flash: USD/CAD bullish with scope toward 1.0341 – TD Securities (Barcelona) - The push through 1.0270 by the USD/CAD should enable a retest of the low 1.03 area, according to TD Securities analysts: “The USD/CAD is breaking out of the consolidation pattern that trapped the market in a tight range through the latter part of last week (above 1.0250/55) with a little more intent. Initial gains were capped in the 1.0270 area but the push higher seen so far today should see USD/CAD make minor new highs (above 1.0291) at least near-term”, wrote analysts Shaun Osborne and Greg Moore, seeing scope for a push beyond the recent 1.0341 peak. “We spot short-term support now at 1.0270 intraday, stronger at 1.0250. Hourly trend momentum is USD-bullish, aligning with the USD-positive signals on the other short-, medium– and long-term trend momentum oscillator signals”, they added.

Forex Flash: AUD/USD primed to probe 1.0150/200 – Westpac

According to Global FX Strategist Sean Callow at Westpac, “The stabilization in gold is helpful but base metals remain fragile, dovetailing with the China GDP disappointment. Unless China’s Apr flash PMI is well above forecasts, the AUD/USD looks set to probe 1.0150/1.0200 over the week.”
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Forex Flash: G20 fails to make splash – Deutsche Bank

The G20/IMF/World Bank meeting wrapped up over the weekend, with the G20 simply reiterating its pledge to avoid competitive devaluation and saying that the BoJ's monetary policy is "intended to stop inflation and support domestic demand".
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