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Forex Flash: QE3 to end around the turn of the year - Rabobank

Ben Bernanke testified earlier on Tuesday in his semiannual Monetary Policy Report before the Senate Banking Committee and as main remark, market watched how Bernanke put 'hawkish back in cage' after tempering last FOMC minutes somehow bullish.

According to the Rabobank Analyst Jan Lambts , today's today’s testimony suggests that the doves still rule the FOMC. In the middle term, however, Rabobank expects the end of QE3 late in 2013. "Since we expect the US economy to re-accelerate in the second half of the year, after the fiscal deadlines have passed and the impact of the payroll and income tax hike, and the impact of the automatic or more deliberate alternative spending cuts have faded, we expect to see the end of QE3 around the turn of the year."

"However," continues Lambts, "given the increasing interest the Committee is showing for the risks of its unconventional policies, we may see the Fed slow down the pace of asset purchases from its current $85bn/month at an earlier stage."

Forex: GBP/USD consolidates above 1.5110

The recovery of the pound versus the dollar was abruptly halted during the New York session by the 100-hour SMA, that offered resistance to the Cable in more than on opportunity throughout the day.
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S&P: Italy's ratings not immediately affected by elections result

The S&P rating agency has just published its own verdict about the political gridlock in Italy, after no party won a majoriityt in the Senate, which makes the chances of governability in the country, slim to say the least. According to S&P, the election result has no immediate implications for Italy's BBB+ sovereign rating, however, it warns that the uncertainty in policies are "numerous".
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