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Japan's economy minister unaware of Kuroda nomination talk

Japan’s economy minister Amari, who is speaking in Tokyo to reporters, is putting in doubt the early rumours floating the markets, after saying he is not aware whether or not Mr. Kuroda will be the BOJ nominee chosen by Mr. Abe.

Forex Flash: GBP/USD, range breakout allows 1.35 longer term - BBH

After the largely discounted headline of a UK downgrade, which became effective last Friday, the Sterling appears to have broken out of the consolidiative pattern that it has traced out since early 2009, says Marc Chandler, Global Head of Currency Strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman. The downside resolution of the pattern, in the eyes of Marc, "will allow sterling to decline toward $1.48-$1.50 and possibly even back down to the $1.35 area in the somewhat longer term" he said. Should GBP/USD regains the $1.56-$1.57 area, it would negate this view, Marc adds.
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Forex Flash: First Italian exit polls at 2pm London time - Wetpac

Italian elections, while somewhat overshadowed by events in the UK, Japan and even the Oscars award ceremony, is the key risk event for the European session. Polling booths are opened all Sunday and open again from 7am until 3pm Italian local time on Monday.
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